lördag 10 oktober 2009

Om H2K-dramat: Cozman talar ut

De som följer sidan vet att det för några dagar sedan avslöjades att ptk- lämnar H2K. Det kom som en chock för alla, då H2K har många bollar i luften. Eurocup, EMSkvalet och eventuella LAN väntade när ptk kastade in handduken. Idag kom ett uttalande från cozman på sidan Xplayn.com där han förklarar vad det var som hände.

Cozman skriver såhär:

"ptk's departure came as a shock to us, a few days earlier he sat on mumble and told us all how happy he was with this team and that things were working really great, and then this thursday we were playing really bad but who cares tbh, its just a pracc.

But apparently for ptk it meant more or something, so he left the team with this sentence "this aint working, it feels like we are back to square one again and i CBA anymore, so im leaving now gl".

But we will keep on playing, friberg will jump in and play until we find a suitable 5th that can replace ptk, and when we do find that 5th, we will bounce back stronger then before so you better watchout.

I would like to thank H2k and especially rudy for giving me the opportunity to stay in H2k through all of these lineup changes, and also a big thanks to our sponsors SteelSeries and Thermaltake."

Praccresultat är inte alltid meningslösa tydligen. Vi på snackaru önskar H2K, och ptk all fortsatt lycka!

Källa: http://xplayn.com/398?newsId=6121

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